Founded in 1980, Controlled Air, Inc. is a family-owned and operated commercial heating, ventilation, air conditioning and temperature controls company. We have always been on the forefront of technology, bringing sophisticated solutions to the challenges of today's complex applications.
Controlled Air, Inc. is a leader in creating environmentally sound, energy-efficient HVAC designs that save money for our customers and promote conservation of energy to help the environment. We are sponsoring members of the Connecticut Green Building Council and we provide all support to get buildings accredited by the Leadership in Energy and

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Controlled Air, Inc. is a partner of the EPA CHP Partnership Program.
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The Right Environment Through Engineering and Support
Founded in 1980, Controlled Air, Inc. is a family-owned and operated commercial heating, ventilation, air conditioning and temperature controls company. We have always been on the forefront of technology, bringing sophisticated solutions to the challenges of today's complex applications.
Controlled Air, Inc. is a leader in creating environmentally sound, energy-efficient HVAC designs that save money for our customers and promote conservation of energy to help the environment. We are sponsoring members of the Connecticut Green Building Council and we provide all support to get buildings accredited by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System. Controlled Air, Inc. participates in the Energy Star Service Provider program and can assist you to get your building Energy Star Certified. We are fully licensed in Connecticut S1 302788 and Rhode Island R/M1 & P/M 00007776, as well as some counties in New York and Massachusetts. Controlled Air, Inc. is also a Johnson Control authorized building controls specialist.
The Controlled Air, Inc. team is comprised of skilled professionals each highly trained in specific areas of technology. Our design specialists work with our field team of dozens of licensed service technicians to provide timely, efficient service when and where we are needed. We take personal pride in a job well done.
We provide design, installation and service for commercial, industrial, educational and institutional applications. Through dedication and creativity, we solve a broad range of heating and cooling problems for schools, industrial, healthcare, education, office environments, warehouses and more through energy-efficient design and exemplary service.