Reduce Your Carbon Footprints & Energy Use
Controlled Air, Inc. provides the tools for reducing energy consumption and creating a smaller carbon footprint. You will be able to track your energy use by capturing information found on utility bills, including cost, consumption, demand, on-peak /off-peak billing components, power factor charges, transition charges, and taxes. With these tools, you can collect the data you need to report your energy use and carbon emissions.
The system allows you to calculate your greenhouse gas inventory through methodology developed by the World Resources Institute. The modules incorporated include utilities, fleet, refrigerant use and leakage. You will also be able to manage information about all types of waste and track relevant data on all energy consuming equipment.
©2020 Controlled Air, Inc. Branford, CT . 203-481-3531 . controlledair@controlledair.com . Lic # CT S1 302788 / RI R/M1 & P/M 00007776