Energy Efficient Opportunities
Variable Frequency Drives
With variable frequency drives, motors can run at pre-determined speeds to optimize system requirements and energy efficiency performance on fans and pumps. Annual chiller energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced by as much as 30% since lower compressor speed causes reduced wear. Systems can be programmed to run at times that take advantage of off-peak energy rates. Incentives are available from utilities companies.
Air Conditioning Systems
Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning
Controlled Air, Inc. specialists can design environmental systems for any building or complex. Cost-efficient heating and cooling units and co-generation systems are our specialty. Complete digital control systems come with electronics, power supplies, installation enclosures and pneumatic interfaces. Everything you need can be included to implement building wide strategies for comfort and facility management including a full complement of sensors, valves, dampers and actuators, all easily programmable and accessible from a central workstation. You will be able to implement HVAC controls quickly, easily and reliably to regulate amount, temperature and quality of air at any time of day in your facility. We specify and install the highest EER (energy efficient ratio) equipment, dual enthalpy economizers and demand control ventilation. Our systems are designed to optimize incentive and rebates opportunities from utilities companies.
With 95% efficient condensing boilers, the heat goes into the building, not up the chimney. These systems are fully modulating, and provide the output actually required at any given time. Energy Management Systems can be programmed to run the boilers so that energy use is minimized and productivity maximized.
Energy Efficiency | Carbon Footprint | Energy Efficient Opportunities | Energy Management Systems | State & Federal Rebates & Incentives | Savings on Utilities